About Coaxial Switches (Coaxial Relays)
The high dielectric strength of a vacuum is one of the important features that distinguishes Elcon vacuum coaxial relays. Since a vacuum device has a dielectric strength of about 1000 volts per mil, only a slight contact separation is required to withstand high voltages. Such limited contact movement minimizes the size of the relays, permits the use of a small, simple actuating mechanism and results in faster switching times. Internal grounding minimizes crosstalk.
The contact environment is in vacuum, increasing reliability and the life of the relay. The absence of oxygen prevents contact corrosion and the formation of oxides and organic materials on and around the contacts. This keeps RF contact resistance low and stable throughout the rated life of the switch. Circuit losses and thermal and RF noise generation are very low.

- High-quality production
- Efficient project turnaround
- Long life with high reliability
- High-speed switching with low and stable contact resistance
- Contact protection against contamination and oxidation
- No contact maintenance required
- Excellent performance for HF and UHF radio systems
- Elimination of noise generation and intermodulation distortion
- Very low circuit losses
- Very low thermal and RF noise generation
- Faster operating speeds than conventional coaxial relays