Diversity in Space Technology, Applications, and Involvement

On November 23, 2021, join Explore the Space and the Elcon team to discuss the broad range of space technologies and applications, and how anyone can be involved. 

A few key topics are micro-satellites, their role in our lives, and Elcon's role in producing space components. 

To help us better understand our audience, please complete Explore the Space's registration form: https://forms.gle/LgzsvxAt9gwTSPU5A

Join us at 7:30 pm PST through the link: https://zoom.us/j/96654447579?pwd=QU8rZm15Y3RJZmNHckMvVEZ5MVMrUT09



Request a Quote

Our team is here and ready to start talking, whatever your application may be. Request a quote today to send us your thoughts and get your project moving.


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